My wife asked me to help her with the MRI this morning. We have to go there a little early this morning. We began MRI scanning at 7.05 am. Everything going according to the plan and we managed to settle the MRI scanning at 9.30 am and then off we go to the city center for a brunch.
For a few days we were discussing about the possibility to do another ultrasound to confirm as two of our friends encounter a mistakenly predetermined baby's sex. Things happen all the time and to be sure why not going for another ultrasound right?
Or perhaps by observing her belly shape could any one with experience in motherhood give us a hint whether our baby is a boy or girl?
In Europe, where the price of health services are sky rocketed, we only afford to do 2D ultrasound and not the 3D. The clinic charges a whooping RM1,400 for the 3D ultrasound. This is way beyond our mean so 2D ultrasound would be better. The 2D ultrasound is only Euro 65 then. Let us see the outcome next week.
Baby girl kot....1) sebab mak dia nampak comel & rajin lak tu
2...sebab perut nya membolat ketepi...ini firasat akak jer...hahaha!
kalau teka betul dpt hadiah tak Mr Faiz!
haha, caner? ada org teka baby girl? hehe...betul ke Mikael?
Baby boy or baby girl? But both names are ready for baby. :)
Kak Watie,
Nak hadiah ye.... kena tunggu kami balik Malaysia ye. :)
ijan...tak pandai ar nak teka2 akak rasa cam lelaki! sbbnye tgk foto ijan dr pandangan tepi tu nmpk cam lonjong ke depan je!
x kisah la boboy ke gegirl ke, asalkan selamat melahirkn (ibu & baby) kan? insyallah, amin.
Kak Fae, mekasih.. hehe.. hopefully semua selamat nanti... :)
baby boy sbb perut tajam ke depan...ehehheeh
boy kan ijan....sama cam CKjunior...buleh men spitol sama2 tp dari jauh2 la...hiks...
Wan dan CikMin,
Insya-allah boy. but anyway happy either boy or girl. :)
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