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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vegetables Are Best Eaten Raw

Some vegetables are best eaten raw. Tomato and salad are among them. Carrot would be a nice companion too.

Raw vegetables taste good. Try to have some grated carrot, sliced tomatoes and some salad leaves to accompany your dishes. The carrot itself tastes sweet and when it comes with tomatoes and salad, the richness of the taste will make your dish perfect.

Sometimes when we cook the vegetables, we are incline to overcook and this will flush away all the goodness of nutrients from the vegetables. That's why we are recommended to eat just raw vegetables to preserve all the goodness in them.

They are rich in vitamins and minerals too. We may still remember how our mother and teacher keep telling us to eat them as they are good for health. All of these are things that your body needs to function properly and the raw vegetables will help to take care of our body.


Lady of Leisure said...

carrot band tomato antara yg i tak boleh makan mentah.. boleh makan tapi tomato nak kene buat air asam dulu.. then carrot nak kene buat carrot susu dulu.. nak kene ajar lidah ni supaya boleh terima.. sometimes instead of makan benda lain, better makan mcm ni kan buat snack..

Watierman said...

Faiz...its true benda tu sedap makan mentah...tapi si Ijan tak boleh take banyak2...yg mentah ni...sebab dia menyusu...takut si Mikael kembung perut!!!Dia ada gas juga tau...kalau akak..kalau makan apple pun dah banyak angin!!!

Carrots kan bagus untuk mata...!!Tomato untuk kulit yg cantik....uish air asam tomato...nikmatnya!!!

ain said...

good info!!! tp akak x suka mkn mentah pulak!

Ili Saharudin said...

i love sayur...badan rase ringan~

arin said...

akak mkn mentah idak le..kecuali salad..lelain..buat ala2 sup , mmg 10th mths old baby , suka gile carrot..kalu bg as dinner..sok pagi 'hasil' kompem cantik..

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